1. How to choose the right Full HD TVs
    Full HD TVs. What is it? This newfangled phrase modern man has to hear here and there. But not always people know what it really means. And what are the differences...
  2. Why people buy Panasonic LED TVs today
    The main idea for panasonic Led TVs is a new model of VIERA HDTV TVs - an LCD model with 3D support. This model was created in order to use the TV for several...
  3. The advantages of toshiba LED TVs over their predecessors
    We present to your attention a forty-six inch Toshiba TV with a screen on a liquid crystal matrix with a resolution of 1920x1080 and a refresh...
  4. Buy latest generation Philips LED TVs
    Why does the same movie look so different in the cinema and on the TV screen? It turns out that the whole thing is in the proportions...
  5. When to choose an LCD TV
    When the bright moment comes to make a conscious decision to change your old TV, the question immediately arises, what should the new one be like? Is it worth...
  6. Choosing an LCD TV among many manufacturers
    At present, the family, as a rule, has not one TV, but two or more, so that there are no disputes about which program to watch, depending on interests...
  7. Why people buy LCD TVs today
    Time does not stand still. Modern technologies are aimed at making life easier and safer. LCD TVs quickly gained their share of the market all over the...
  8. Sharp LCD TVs Compared to Other Manufacturers
    Following the triumphant entry of stereoscopic technology into the home cinema market, there has come a time for some silence and a likely reassessment of its...
  9. The best LED TVs of modern reality
    When replacing bulky TVs, the problem arises, which ones are better to choose - the best led TVs or plasma? Before choosing the model itself, you should understand the difference in these technologies...
  10. What Makes the Best LCD TVs
    The best LCD TVs were recognized by the jury at EISA 2010, and this is exactly what the Philips 9000 Full HD 3D Ready LED TV is. This best TV...
  11. Portable televisions for home use of all brands
    In our progressive age, which has become famous for technical innovations, portable TVs occupy a significant place. We spend more and more time in front...
  12. Searching for high quality flat-panel TVs
    Today, flat-screen TVs are becoming more and more popular, and CRT TVs are becoming a thing of the past. Such TVs have flat displays of...
  13. Purchasing a TV for use in the kitchen
    In 40-inch monitors, the most advanced technologies today are LCD and plasma. Prices for displays of each of the technologies are approximately the same. You can compare screens by color saturation...
  14. Which projection TVs do Russian companies use
    Projection TVs can be safely called an intermediate link between projectors and plasma, as well as LCD TVs / panels. Ideally, a projection TV may have the best performance of both. These include ease...
  15. Which Pioneer TV is best?
    Pioneer appeared a long time ago and immediately managed to present itself very well. Their electronics are excellent, and the prices are reasonable. Their history is very long and there is simply no point...
  16. Key Features of LED TV
    The main and fundamental difference between an LED TV and a LCD TV is only in the way the matrix is backlit. LCDs use fluorescent...
  17. DLP technology
    DLP is the latest high-precision projection technology used in business and home displays. DLP technology provides unsurpassed brightness and image clarity. DLP is based on an optical semiconductor, a...
  18. LED sharp TVs with different sizes
    Led TV manufacturer Sharp has expanded its range of HDTVs by launching a new AQUOS model called 80LE632U-LC. The novelty is endowed with a diagonal of 80 inches and, according to the leading...
  19. HDTV ready?
    If you've been to an electronics store in the last year, you've probably already noticed the labels on TVs that say "HDTV READY". However, this abbreviation...
  20. Response time in LSD TVs
    According to some, this characteristic is the most important for LCD-TVs. Others believe that it does not reflect the real image quality. In any case, enough...
  21. How an LCD TV works
    The competition among TVs is very high. One of the current requirements is the ability to process digital signals. Due to the specifics of their origin, LCD TVs initially have a number...
  22. How to connect a TV to a computer
    The vibrant colors and wide screens of the new digital TVs make a powerful impression. Therefore, sooner or later, any viewer has a question: is it possible to take advantage of all the advantages of...

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