How to choose a vacuum cleaner?

In fact, the concept of "vacuum cleaner" is simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, the purpose of the device is quite obvious from its name, but on the other hand ... As experience shows, choosing this type of household appliances, even in a store where the range of goods is limited to a dozen models, can cause difficulties. What can we say about shopping centers, whose windows offer a variety of types of vacuum cleaners! Some are compact and lightweight, others are striking in their power, others are distinguished by their stylish design and so match the color of new furniture, and the fourth conquer with complete independence from the owners. However, all possible types and types of this household appliances should be considered in more detail.
Types of vacuum cleaners
Let's start with the fact that there are mobile vacuum cleaners, that is, movable, and built-in. The latter are a whole system consisting of a power unit, pneumo inlets and hoses with various brushes and nozzles. The hose is connected to one of the air inlets, and then the waste is discharged through the air duct system to a waste bin installed outside the house. This type of vacuum cleaner has an undeniable advantage: not only garbage is removed from the room, but also dust, which is simply impossible to achieve with a mobile vacuum cleaner. Until recently, built-in vacuum cleaners were designed only for dry cleaning, but now there are also combined models. Now with their help you can collect dust, refresh carpets, clean up spilled water and even wash windows. As experience shows, advantages must be accompanied by disadvantages, and our case is no exception. The main, and perhaps the only drawback of such a vacuum cleaner is its high price. Maybe that is why the built-in models are not yet very common in the Russian home appliances market. So far, they are represented by products from KRONEMARK, BEAM, BVC SIEMENS, Husky, PUZER and some others. And yet, more familiar mobile models are more often used in everyday life.
Both types of vacuum cleaners can perform dry or wet cleaning, so when choosing a model for your home, you should decide what kind of work it should do. If you are going to clean parquet, carpets and furniture, which is contraindicated in moisture, you should stop at the most ordinary vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning. They, in turn, are divided into balloon, vertical and robotic vacuum cleaners.
Balloon vacuum cleaners
Balloon vacuum cleaners are mainly represented by compact models, the weight of which does not exceed 7 kilograms, or devices with a large dust collector. Such units can weigh up to 10 kg due to the many additional functions and the presence of a mechanized turbo brush that knocks dust out of the carpet. To retain dust and prevent the release of its smallest particles into the air, a variety of filters are used - from paper and fabric to carbon and synthetic. In some modern models, aqua filters are used, where the separator neutralizes dust by mixing it with water.
Upright vacuum cleaners
Upright vacuum cleaners, so popular in the West, have now entered the life of the Russian consumer. Such models are a three-dimensional cylindrical body attached to a brush for cleaning the floor. They are designed to eliminate debris and dust in large rooms, and do a good job with this task. However, along with the advantages, they have their drawbacks - a relatively high noise level and impressive size: dragging such a model around the floors of a cottage is a dubious pleasure.
Robot vacuum cleaners
The robotic vacuum cleaner has always been one of the most familiar inhabitants of the house in almost any science fiction book. But not so long ago, the dream of purity, created without human intervention, became a reality. A number of home appliance companies offer customers models that can handle cleaning any room. A carefully thought-out brush system allows you to pick up debris from the carpet and floor surfaces, as well as pay special attention to baseboards and other hard-to-reach places. The robot independently determines the optimal cleaning route, bypasses obstacles thanks to built-in sensors and, if necessary, goes to the base station to recharge the batteries. When the dust container is full, the cleaning unit dumps the collected dust into a large accumulator located on the base, and then continues cleaning again. The noise level of such models is quite low, and the disadvantage is the high price, which does not allow everyone to purchase a "smart" unit.
Washing vacuum cleaners
For those who want and can combine the process of collecting garbage with wet cleaning, when choosing a vacuum cleaner, you should pay attention to the line of “washing” models. As a rule, they are devices for combined cleaning, that is, they can be cleaned both in a “dry” mode and using liquid detergents. Wet processing is usually carried out on carpets with a thin latex base, floors and walls covered with tiles or painted with waterproof compositions. With the appropriate nozzles (usually five to seven), you can use a vacuum cleaner to wash windows, collect spilled liquid, and clean a clogged bathtub or sink.
Washing vacuum cleaners are equipped with two reservoirs: from the first, a cleaning compound is supplied to the brush, which is sprayed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe nozzle, the already polluted water, collected from the surface along with dust and debris, enters the second. In washing mode, the vacuum cleaner must operate at full power in order to have time to collect liquid before the carpet or upholstery fabric gets wet. And yet, after such cleaning, the cleaned surfaces remain wet for some time. This "side effect" is inevitable when using a unit of any, even the highest power.
The advantage of washing models is the possibility of humidifying and refreshing the air during the cleaning process. The main disadvantage is the large size, weight and, as a result, low maneuverability. In addition, after each use, the vacuum cleaner must be disassembled, the tanks rinsed and left outdoors until completely dry. The cost of a washing vacuum cleaner is slightly higher than models for dry dust collection. And don't forget about cleaning fluid costs.
If you have already decided on the type and type of vacuum cleaner, it's time to talk about what characteristics you need to pay attention to when choosing a model.
Power. This characteristic is usually indicated on the body of the model. However, you should be aware that power consumption and suction power are two completely different concepts. And if the first can be from 1200 to 1800 W, then the value of the second is unlikely to go beyond 440 aerowatts (A W). However, high suction power in everyday life is not required: for everyday cleaning of relatively clean rooms, from 250 to 330 A W is enough. Effective dust removal is provided by models with power from 350 to 440 watts. Whether there are more “stronger” vacuum cleaners, and if so, where they can be used, remains a mystery, since even 400 A W can eventually wear out the fabric on furniture or the pile of a carpet made of natural fibers. As a rule, all modern models are equipped with a suction power regulator.
Filters. The price of a vacuum cleaner largely depends on their quantity and quality: the more filters, the more expensive the chosen model will cost you. However, do not forget that, first of all, filters are designed to clean the intake air from dust, so it is unreasonable to save on them. Filtration efficiency is often indicated in the passport for the vacuum cleaner and is expressed as a percentage. The higher this number, the cleaner the air in your home will be. Naturally, the presence of many modern filters that provide good cleaning forces you to increase the power consumption of the vacuum cleaner, and this indicator entails an increase in its total cost. To date, vacuum cleaner manufacturers offer models with paper, fabric, carbon, water and synthetic filters.
Type of dust collector. It can be a replaceable bag - paper or cloth, a permanent cloth bag or a plastic container. The latter require additional washing and drying after each removal of debris.
Number of nozzles. As a rule, the main, most frequently used nozzles are a carpet brush, a floor brush, furniture cleaning nozzles, including a narrow one - to remove dust from hard-to-reach places. Additionally, a brush for washing windows, a brush for washing tiles and a plunger (if the vacuum cleaner is washing) can be attached.
Mobile vacuum cleaners of various models usually come with a one or two year warranty. The same figure is also called by the well-known manufacturer of household appliances Miele. Developers of expensive built-in vacuum cleaners offer their customers from three (BEAM) to 7-8 (BVC SIEMENS) years of warranty service, but manufacturers of robotic vacuum cleaners do not dare to raise the warranty period above 18 months.
How to choose a brand
With the same set of functions, the cost of vacuum cleaners manufactured under different brands is different. As a rule, well-known manufacturers that have long established themselves in the market of this type of product offer more expensive models. Most likely, the amount that makes up the price difference between two similar models, you will pay for the brand. But do not forget that it is the promoted brand that guarantees quality and reliability: long-term fame and image of the company will be the key to the effective operation of your new acquisition.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner?
How to choose a vacuum cleaner?
How to choose a vacuum cleaner?
How to choose a vacuum cleaner? How to choose a vacuum cleaner? How to choose a vacuum cleaner?

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