Laundry and modern technologies

What powder to wash? At what temperature? Which washing machine to choose? These questions are relevant for every person. It is important not only the quality of washing, but also the appearance of the washed things, which are negatively affected by modern detergents and high temperatures, it is especially disappointing when branded expensive clothes become unusable.
Care wash. Does this happen at all?
What washing mode should be selected so that the thing continues to look like new? Relatively recently, air-bubble machines appeared on the home appliance market. Which washing machine is better - a conventional machine or an air-bubble one? The information below will give you the opportunity to answer this question yourself.
The main advantages that an air bubble washing machine provides:
connected to the central water supply, one inlet for cold water, the other for hot (a set of adapters is included with each instance);
rational use of time, the longest cycle lasts no more than an hour, while the result is excellent;
economical use of electricity;
in addition to generating bubbles, the energy of water flows created by the pulsator is used, as a result, the liquid mixes better, dirt is removed from the fabric more intensively;
a large amount of washing, not limited to 5 kg of dry laundry, some models can hold up to 10 kg;
there is a delay start function;
optimal powder consumption (when using an air bubble generator, things are washed with a minimum amount of detergent);
a significant reduction in the friction of objects against each other and about the body of the tank helps to maintain an attractive appearance of clothing during multiple washes;
What is an air bubble washing machine made of?
The main element that distinguishes such a machine from others is a bubble generator located at the bottom of the machine, which takes air and transforms it into a stream of bubbles. The next important element is the pulsator, an element with blades that create water flows asymmetrical in direction, preventing the formation of zones with stagnant water. The rest of the details are standard for most types of automatic washing machines: a mechanism that locks the lid, a dispenser of additives and a filter that collects fine fluff, fabric fibers and villi.
What to pay attention to?
How to determine which washing machine is best? The most important parameters of models: capacity, functionality, reliability. Particular attention should be paid to the tank of household appliances, which in an air-bubble machine differs from the usual one in the presence of bulges and depressions, which creates the effect of a washboard - this improves the quality of washing, contributes to faster removal of contaminants. The tank must be protected from corrosion, this element in some machines may have a ceramic coating that prevents static electricity from arising, in addition, it destroys bacteria.
Air bubble machines also have disadvantages, there are few of them:
lack of consumer confidence in them;
the service maintenance of such equipment is not sufficiently developed, but in the near future this problem will disappear.
In general, the experience of using air bubble machines is positive, they are especially good for large families, people suffering from allergies (since a minimum of chemistry is used, some wash in such machines using soap nuts).

Laundry and modern technologies
Laundry and modern technologies
Laundry and modern technologies
Laundry and modern technologies Laundry and modern technologies Laundry and modern technologies

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