Our health and mood depend on many factors, among which an important place is occupied by the surrounding microclimate, in particular, the relative humidity of the air. Everyone suffers from a lack of humidity: furniture with parquet that is drying out, and indoor plants, which first slow down their growth, and then die altogether. The dry climate is especially bad for children. When such air is inhaled, the mucous membranes dry out, resulting in an increased risk of respiratory and infectious diseases due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.
The conclusion is obvious - it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat the increased dryness of the climate. The easiest way to do this is to purchase a special device - a humidifier. All models of household humidifiers do not require installation and are able to work around the clock in a closed room (room, office, study, etc.). Do not be afraid to install it in the bedroom, the noise level of the device is so low that it will not disturb your sleep.
The humidifier is very easy to operate. You just need to fill the tank with water and plug it into the socket, the device will do the rest.
Humidity in the room
Thus, the relative humidity of the air is one of the important components in maintaining human health and the comfort of his life and work. There are such norms of temperature and relative humidity for residential premises:
Period of the year Temperature Rel. humidity (optimal) Rel. humidity (permissible)
Cold 18-24 C 45-30% 60%
Warm 20-28 C 60-30% 65%
It is also conventionally assumed that air with a relative humidity value of less than 50% is dry, 50-70% is moderate humidity, and more than 70% is humid. Children's doctors recommend for the health of the child to maintain the humidity in the room at a level of 50-60%. With such values, very sensitive mucous membranes of the respiratory organs do not suffer, respectively, the likelihood of the baby getting sick is lower.
But at the same time, it is worth remembering that if the air is too humid, this can have negative consequences, since pathogenic microbes multiply in damp warm rooms, and in cold rooms the possibility of colds will increase dramatically.
Types of Humidifiers
There are four types of humidifiers, and in order to choose the right one for you, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
Traditional. They work on the principle of natural, "cold" evaporation. They are considered the most suitable for apartments and especially children's rooms. Water is poured into a special container inside the humidifier, then it is fed to the evaporation elements. An almost silent built-in fan drives air through them, taking it from the room, and gives it out already humidified. Traditional humidifiers can use replaceable paper cassettes with antibacterial impregnation (cheaper option) or plastic discs with an absorbent surface (more expensive). Thus, the air is not only humidified, but also cleaned of dust and foreign particles present in it. The main thing is not to forget to rinse the filter and the container itself with water every week or two.
The power of such humidifiers, as a rule, is small - 20-60 W, a minimum of bells and whistles, but at the same time a fairly large service area - up to 150 square meters. m. Evaporation of water in such humidifiers occurs at a rate of up to 300-400 gr / h, but this largely depends on the humidity of the room. A small productivity does not allow for a short time to bring the relative humidity to the required level, and as the air is saturated with moisture closer to the mark of 60%, their efficiency decreases almost to zero. This has a definite advantage: a cold evaporation humidifier will never lead to excessive moisture in the room. Traditional humidifiers can also be used as devices for today's popular aromatherapy. It is enough to install a capsule with an aromatic substance in them.
works on the principle of self-regulation
no steam coming out of it
use of tap water
the possibility of aromatization
it is possible to monitor the amount of water in the tank
the presence of reusable filters in some models
maximum air humidity - 60%
The humidity level rises as the room temperature rises.
Steam humidifiers. Unlike traditional ones, where evaporation takes place in a “cold” way, steam ones work on the principle of boiling. Water from the tank is supplied to the tray in which the electrodes are installed. When connected to the network, the electrode heats the water and evaporation occurs. Steam humidifiers are equipped with a security system - if the water boils away, the device will automatically turn off. Also, for safety reasons, humidifier cases are made of heat-resistant plastic, the design itself will not allow the device to tip over if it is accidentally pushed, and the humidifier will not turn on if the water tank lid is not closed tightly. The steam coming from the humidifier has a temperature of 50-60 C, so it is not recommended to put it in the children's room. At the same time, steam humidifiers do not need consumables (cartridges, cassettes, filters).
The performance of this type of humidifier is quite high: they evaporate up to 700 ml of liquid per hour. Steam humidifiers are also good because they can be used as an inhaler (some models even come with a special nozzle). Herbal or medicinal infusions and decoctions, as well as aromatic substances can be added to the tank of the device. Humidifiers of this type are also recommended for use in greenhouses and conservatories, as they are capable of providing up to 60% relative humidity. The power consumption of steam humidifiers is approximately 320 W, the volume of water tanks is 5-5.5 liters.
does not need clean water
sterile steam
it is possible to carry out the procedure of inhalation, aromatherapy
no materials to be replaced (filters, cartridges)
has a convenient carrying handle
has the highest performance among all types of humidifiers
has an indicator of the amount of remaining water
humidifies the air by more than 60%
relatively low cost and ease of maintenance
consumes a lot of electricity - significantly more than other types of humidifiers
does not have a hygrostat that allows you to maintain the desired humidity in the room - you need to purchase it separately
not recommended in homes with children and pets, tk. may be hazardous if not handled carefully
ultrasonic humidifiers. This type of humidifier is especially interesting - because of the principle of operation. All the same tank with water, but the water from it does not fall into the pan, but onto a plate vibrating with a high (ultrasonic) frequency. Vibration splits the liquid into tiny droplets - it turns out something akin to fog or a cloud. The built-in fan drives air through this "fog". It looks like real, hot steam is coming out of the device - but it is absolutely cold, you can safely hold your hand over it.
The ultrasonic method of humidification is by far the most effective. This type of humidifier is equipped with built-in hygrostats - devices that regulate the level of humidity "at the exit", which can turn on and off themselves, maintaining a given level. For the operation of ultrasonic humidifiers, cartridges with an ion-exchange resin are required that purify water from salts of heavy metals and mineral impurities (cartridges need to be changed every 3-4 months). It is especially recommended to install such humidifiers in rooms with parquet floors, antique furniture, musical instruments.
The power consumption of ultrasonic humidifiers is from 40 to 130 W, the volume of water tanks is from 3.5 to 6.5 liters. Recently, new models of humidifiers have appeared on the market, equipped with additional functions: multi-stage air purification (from unpleasant odors, harmful substances and chemical compounds), ionization (the production of negative oxygen ions that are good for health and make the air fresh), filters for air purification from coarse dust and animal hair, disinfection of water in the tank, ozonation (for indoor air disinfection).
the desired humidity is maintained thanks to the built-in hygrostat
The humidifier automatically turns on and off, constantly maintaining the set humidity.
various models of ultrasonic humidifiers allow you to show the real humidity in the room, destroy germs in the water, have touch buttons
small size
humidifies the air by more than 60%
has a modern, stylish design
forced filter replacement every 2-3 months
inability to aromatize the room
special sensitivity of the filter to hard water (necessity to use special demineralized water)
"Air washer" combines the functions of a humidifier and an air purifier. In this case, air humidification occurs due to plastic discs that convert water into mist. As a result, not only humidification occurs, but also air purification from dust, pollen, microorganisms, etc. The fundamental difference between the "air wash" and traditional humidifiers is that this device works without replaceable filters and does not need consumables.
The design of the "air wash" and its principle of operation are very original: a system of plastic discs of complex hydrodynamic shape rotates in a tank of water. Dust particles polluting the air, entering the device, are charged by the built-in pre-ionization device and settle on the disks, and are subsequently washed off with water. The fight against microorganisms and bacteria is carried out by ionizing electrodes ISS located in the tray. Thus, along with humidification, the "air wash" naturally purifies the air - dust and dirt accumulate in the pan. If you want to constantly feel fresh and clean air in your room (like after rain), then the “air washer” can easily cope with this task, and in rooms with heavy dust, this device is simply necessary to quickly restore a normal microclimate.
works according to the principle of self-regulation (without hygrostat)
There is a capsule for aromatization
no steam coming out of it
various models may have special filters with an ionizing rod for biological air purification from various microorganisms
fairly large dimensions
maximum air humidity - 60%
filters in some models require periodic replacement
"Air washers" are suitable for people who need especially clean air without dust (allergy sufferers suffering from bronchial asthma), as well as for a house that has recently been renovated.
Climatic complexes are modern household appliances that perform a number of measures to improve the quality of air in the house.
Air cleaning. In climatic complexes, as a rule, several filters are used: an antibacterial HEPA filter (highly efficient particle retention) to purify the air from the smallest dust particles, dust mites, bacteria and a carbon filter to remove unpleasant odors, tobacco smoke, urban smog, exhaust gases. The process of air humidification in the climatic complex occurs by natural evaporation of water, as well as in traditional type humidifiers. The humidification performance depends on the air humidity in the room, i.e. the higher the humidity, the lower the rate of water evaporation, i.e. air humidity is automatically maintained at the optimum level.
Almost all climatic complexes are equipped with a built-in air ionizer to enrich the air with negative oxygen ions, the amount of which in the air of modern cities, and even more so in apartments, rooms with an abundance of office equipment is extremely small. With the help of ionization, air quality improves, the air becomes "alive". In climatic complexes, the possibility of aromatization of air with the help of a special capsule is provided. Your room will be filled with a pleasant aroma, and fragrant oils will calm the nervous system, relieve tension, and have a tonic effect.
Climate complexes are effectively used in apartments, offices, beauty salons, country houses and kindergartens. Highly efficient air circulation makes it ideal for heavily dusty or smoky environments.
limitation of air humidification to 60%
periodic replacement of consumables (filters)
It should be summarized what to focus on when choosing a specific model:
The area of the room and the serviceable area of a particular device. Agree, it makes no sense to purchase a device designed for humidification of 50-60 square meters. m, if the area of your room is 15 sq. m. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to use 1 device for humidifying the air in all rooms of the dwelling at once, you will have to transfer it from one place to another
Water tank capacity. In compact ultrasonic humidifiers, the reserve is usually small, up to 5 liters (otherwise, the device has already quite serious dimensions). As a rule, this volume is more than enough if the humidifier is left on overnight. In addition, if the manufacturer indicates how much air the device is able to pass through (for example, when cleaning, or “washing”), then it is desirable that the entire volume of air in the room can pass through the filters at least 2 times per hour
The function of maintaining humidity at the desired level. This will allow you not to over-moisten the air in the room, prevents the occurrence of dampness
Consumed power. In general, the devices are economical, but the greater the power, the faster the humidification occurs. Here you will already have to proceed from your needs, choosing what is more important for you - productivity or economy
Water consumption is measured in liters per day or grams per hour. Most household humidifiers evaporate 8 to 12 liters per day and this is quite enough
The timer will add convenience when using: for example, it will turn off the device after a certain operating time
The noise level (5-70 dB) is determined by the device design, fan speed. The least noisy models are designed for the bedroom. The lower this parameter, the more comfortable the sleep will be when the device is running.
Filters. The humidifier can be equipped with a pre-filter - this is a mechanical "coarse" filter for coarse impurities. More “thin” filters will purify the air from dust mites, fungal spores, plant pollen, pathogenic bacteria (HEPA, ULPA, electrostatic and photocatalytic). Photocatalytic filters are considered the best and historically the latest filters, and they are also durable
Also pay attention to what quality of water can be poured into the tank: distilled or straight from the tap.
All humidifiers are designed to operate in one enclosed space, they are easy to use and designed to run around the clock. Regardless of the type, air humidifiers have a very low noise level.
The use of humidifiers will benefit not only you and your children, but also everything that surrounds you: pets, plants and even interior items. Their use will favorably affect your well-being and mood.
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