So, you've watched Avatar, try not to miss 3D movie premieres and are ready to buy a 3D TV. This article will help you understand the intricacies of 3D technology and tell you what to look for when choosing a 3D TV.
What is 3D TV?
To date, the vast majority of all video content - films, programs, games - is presented in 2D format, i.e. We see the picture only in two planes. 3D adds a third dimension to an image - depth. The stereoscopic effect itself is not something new, but only now 3D technologies have become truly massive. Now, in order to watch a 3D movie, it is not necessary to go to a specialized cinema and spend money on expensive tickets. It is enough just to buy a 3D TV.
How 3D TV works
At the heart of 3D television are the mechanisms of human vision. Therefore, in order to understand how 3D technology works, let's understand how our eyes and brain work. In the school course of trigonometry there is the term triangulation. It is a method of determining distances to an object by measuring angles from a specific point. The mechanism of our vision is similarly implemented. The eyes of an adult are at a distance of about 7 cm from each other, so each of them sees the object from a slightly different angle. If you close your left eye and look at an object, and then, without taking your eyes off, open your right eye, it may seem to you that the object you were looking at is jumping. This effect is caused by the difference in the angle of view of each eye. The brain analyzes and compares two images and gives us a single picture.
Similarly, just by looking at a 3D image on a 3D TV screen, initially you will see two separate images. 3D technology makes the brain think that the objects in the picture are farther or closer than they really are. Each of the two images is broadcast for each of the two eyes. With the help of 3D glasses, the brain combines them, "giving out" as a result a stereoscopic effect.
Types of 3D technology
Like many other human inventions, 3D technology has various ways of development and implementation. There are 3 types of 3D imaging:
Anaglyph is the very first, classic way to model a 3D image using glasses with red and blue lenses. In this case, the 3D image is the result of color filtering, as a result of which the main disadvantage of this type is manifested - unrealistic colors in 3D.
Passive technology for creating a stereoscopic image is used when the coverage of the viewing angle of the viewer of the image is smaller than the screen size - for example, in cinemas with a large screen. The disadvantage of this technology is that if you are not directly in front of the screen or tilt your head, the glasses will not recreate the 3D effect.
Active 3D glasses are the most progressive and modern type to date. The disadvantage of this technology is the presence of glasses (not unsuccessful attempts are now being made to obtain a 3D image without the use of glasses and other auxiliary accessories). However, the viewer has the opportunity to enjoy Full HD 1080p images with realistic and rich colors.
What you need to view 3D
First, the new 3D TV. Conventional 2D TVs are technologically unable to reproduce stereo images. Please make sure you and your family members are capable of viewing 3D effects before purchasing the unit. About 7% of people do not see stereo images due to various vision problems or experience discomfort when viewing them (headaches, dizziness, etc.). And no even the best active 3D glasses will help in this case.
Secondly, points. Most 3D TV manufacturers offer the use of active 3D glasses to view programs in 3D. Be sure to check the complete set, availability and performance of glasses when choosing and buying a TV. Most 3D TVs come with one or two pairs of glasses - if you have a large family, you'll need to buy extra glasses to watch together. At the same time, all 3D TVs can also broadcast a regular 2D picture in high resolution, i.e. you can watch any programs and films on the screen of such a device.
What to look for when buying a 3D TV
3D TVs can be plasma or LED/LCD. In any case, these are high-tech devices, generously endowed by manufacturers with various additional functions and wide communication capabilities, including Internet connection, the ability to view video on demand, support for external storage media, and much more.
One of the most important factors in choosing a 3D TV is the screen refresh rate. The higher it is, the more comfortable it will be for your eyes to watch TV programs in both 3D and 2D format. Most high-quality LED/LCD 3D TVs have a 200Hz refresh rate, cheaper models can be equipped with 100Hz screen refresh rates. For 3D plasma TVs, 600 Hz refresh rate is the best for today. With lower values of this characteristic of a 3D TV, you will experience discomfort when watching dynamic scenes (action movies, sports broadcasts) for a long time.
Another important selection factor is the method of connecting active 3D glasses to the TV. It can be infrared (Infrared, IR) and radio frequency (Radio Frequency, RF). In the first case, the glasses work like a remote control - to view a 3D picture, you need to be in direct line of sight of the infrared transmitter of the TV. The second type provides more freedom, since it uses radio waves to communicate with the TV.
There are also wired 3D glasses, but they are a thing of the past, so we will not dwell on them in detail.
Precautionary measures
In conclusion, here are some recommendations for watching 3D TV. Although 3D TV developers are constantly working to improve the technology, for many people, long-term viewing of 3D images can be tiring. This is especially true for children. Dose their viewing of TV shows, especially in 3D format.
Good luck with your shopping and enjoy your viewing!
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