When choosing a refrigerator, it is necessary to be based on the modes that are provided for in it, as well as on all its functionality that may be useful during operation. The super freeze mode is useful if you need to freeze a huge amount of food. But this mode is also necessary to prepare the chamber for the process of increasing the temperature. This mode must be enabled in advance. Within a few hours, the chamber temperature can drop from -18 to -24 degrees. As soon as a large amount of non-frozen food is placed in the chamber, its temperature regime immediately rises. If the "superfreeze" mode is used, then this process will not be terrible for the products. With it, you can freeze a large number of berries and fruits in the summer. For products, the fact that the temperature barrier passes at the zero boundary is important. In the event that the border is passed quickly enough, the products will retain a more natural taste even after freezing.
This characteristic is inherent precisely during the use of the "superfreeze" mode. Otherwise, the food will lose its natural taste during freezing, and with it the nutrients. The freezing process will be effective if the products are first divided into small pieces. So freezing will be faster. For freezing it is necessary to prepare special packages.
The refrigerator compartment can be equipped with a supercooling mode. It can be compared with the same "super freeze" function that is found in the freezer. Here the temperature regime is cooled instantly to +2 degrees. The cooling process of all those products that have just been placed in the refrigerator will go faster. As you know, in the summer, the temperature of the products that have just been brought into the room is quite high. If they are immediately placed in the refrigerator, the temperature that is inside it will instantly rise.
And, as you know, an increase in temperature adversely affects all those that are already inside it. The use of the "supercooling" mode will be able to cool all new products quite quickly. And along with this, the useful mode will take care of those products that are already in the refrigerator.
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