HDTV in Russia

First of all, let's remind the reader that he can receive TV channels through on-air (terrestrial) broadcasting, through a cable television network, as well as from a satellite.
It is not necessary to count on the imminent appearance of HDTV channels in Russia in the packages of a few digital cable networks. In the future, the development of cable networks lies precisely in HD broadcasting. Clearly, cable operators have no immediate incentive to switch from analogue to digital, as there is no advantage to digital in standard definition. In HDTV, the situation is completely different: the high-definition picture is not transmitted in the analog way (HD-MAC is excluded from consideration as unpromising in terms of deployment costs). Therefore, the transition to digital for cable companies will not be a simple “upgrade” of the technological base, but also a necessary condition for expanding the package of services provided. Undoubtedly, cable manufacturers will be stimulated by digital equipment manufacturers: a complex sales market will open for them, because the operator will need to purchase not only subscriber receivers with a certain conditional access system, but also head equipment compatible with them.
We should expect entry into the Russian "cable" HDTV market of such providers of complex solutions for broadcasting as Digiraum (DRE), TongPhang, Irdeto. They provide cost-effective, easily deployable solutions, and most importantly, they have the required number of receivers with built-in access modules (service decoders). Yes, yes, in Russian cable we should expect the appearance of DRE Crypt or some Russian development “tunneled” in Conax or Irdeto ... There is no doubt that equipment suppliers will work in close, almost intimate, cooperation with centralized broadcasters. This will happen in approximately the same way as it happens with TricolorTV and DRE. That is, there will be some kind of package of HDTV channels broadcast from a satellite, which will be received by regional cable operators and transmitted to end subscribers. At the same time, a centralized conditional access system will be used in all these networks. The regional operator will have access to the broadcaster's central CAS server and will not need to deploy a conditional access system, i.e. you don't have to spend a lot of money.
Slightly different situation with terrestrial digital television. In Moscow, as part of the development of the frequency of the 34th UHF channel, test broadcasting of high-definition TV programs in the H.264 / AVC compression (compression) format is being carried out. Broadcasting is carried out in the DVB-T transmission format. The technical side is carried out by Telecom Project 5, the software content is not yet rich, but it participates, incl. "First channel". We should expect the appearance of regular HD in the terrestrial range in the coming years, as digital terrestrial television is deployed in Russia. Most likely, everything that has been said about the peculiarities of building a cable TV network will also apply to the national broadcast project, but only the “rates” here are much higher. It is obvious that the broadcast market is many times larger than the cable and, especially, satellite market, and therefore the contractor who won the tender for the provision of a comprehensive solution will receive billions of dollars directly from the state budget. It is unlikely that D. Volobuev will be able to "capture" this market with his DRE (more precisely, L. D. Reiman will simply not allow him there). Most likely, the Roscrypt encoding will go on the air network. For an HDTV enthusiast in Russia, the most acceptable way to receive a high-quality television picture is to receive high-definition television from a satellite.
The real limiting factors will only be the requirements for equipment and the physical visibility of the satellites at the receiving point.

HDTV in Russia
HDTV in Russia
HDTV in Russia
HDTV in Russia HDTV in Russia HDTV in Russia

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